Smart Brothers Smart Burner 60 caps


Smart Brothers Smart Burner fat burner with yohimbine is a modern solution for people looking for effective weight loss support. The fat burner contains a composition of the best ingredients that accelerate metabolism, causing the loss of unnecessary fat even from stubborn places such as the lower abdomen or sides. Its action significantly increases thermogenesis and intensifies fat burning processes, which allows you to significantly shorten the time needed to get slim.

Original price was: 48.90 €.Current price is: 39.90 €.

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Smart Brothers Smart Burner 60 caps fat burner with yohimbine

Smart Brothers Smart Burner fat burner with yohimbine is a modern solution for people looking for effective weight loss support. The fat burner contains a composition of the best ingredients that accelerate metabolism, causing the loss of unnecessary fat even from stubborn places such as the lower abdomen or sides. Its action significantly increases thermogenesis and intensifies fat burning processes, which allows you to significantly shorten the time needed to get slim. The fat burner is dedicated to people who want maximum effect and achieving extremely low fat levels.

The advantages of Smart Brothers Smart Burner are:
Strong stimulation
Strong thermogenesis
Reduced appetite
Fast action
How does the Smart Brothers Smart Burner fat burner work?

Increasing Metabolism Rate
Fat burners contain ingredients such as caffeine, green tea extract and cayenne pepper, which speed up metabolism. A higher metabolic rate means the body burns more calories even at rest, which promotes faster weight loss.

Increased Thermogenesis
Thermogenesis is the process of producing heat in the body, which also burns calories. Ingredients such as cayenne pepper and yohimbine can increase thermogenesis, which helps burn fat faster.

Appetite Suppression
Smart Brothers Smart Burner allows you to reduce the feeling of appetite. This makes it easier for users to control their calorie intake, which is crucial for effective weight loss.

Improving Physical Performance
Smart Brothers Smart Burner increases energy levels and improves physical performance. Thanks to this, you can train more intensively, which translates into better training effects and faster fat tissue reduction.

Smart Brothers Smart Burner 60 caps fat burner composition:

1 serving, 1 capsule

Alpha GPC – 300 mg – is an advanced compound that plays a key role in optimizing brain functions as well as supporting weight loss processes. As a precursor to acetylcholine, Alpha GPC increases levels of this neurotransmitter in the brain, leading to improved concentration, memory and overall mental performance. Additionally, improving cognitive functions can support better diet management and motivation for physical activity, which is crucial in the weight loss process.

Caffeine Anhydrous – 200 mg – Acts as a strong stimulant, increasing energy levels and improving physical performance, which allows for more intense and longer training. In addition, caffeine accelerates metabolism, which leads to increased calorie burning even at rest. It also stimulates lipolysis, i.e. the process of fat breakdown in the body, which directly supports the reduction of fat tissue.

Paradoxine (Grains of Paradise Extract) – 100 mg – Grains of Paradise extract, is a natural ingredient that is becoming more and more popular in slimming supplements. This extract comes from the Madagascar aframon plant, which is rich in bioactive compounds such as 6-paradol, 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol. Paradoxine has a thermogenic effect, which means that it increases heat production in the body, leading to greater calorie burning. Additionally, this extract can increase the metabolism of fats, which promotes their faster breakdown and use as an energy source.

Cayenne Pepper Extract – 50 mg – is a powerful slimming ingredient that contains capsaicin – a compound responsible for its spicy taste and thermogenic properties. Capsaicin increases thermogenesis, i.e. heat production in the body, which leads to more intense calorie burning. Additionally, cayenne pepper extract can suppress appetite, which helps control caloric intake and maintain a diet. Capsaicin also supports lipolysis, accelerating the process of fat breakdown and their use as an energy source.

Synephrine Hcl – 40 mg – also known as Synephrine Hydrochloride, is one of the most frequently used ingredients in slimming dietary supplements. Synephrine acts as a stimulant that speeds up metabolism by increasing thermogenesis – the process by which the body produces heat by burning calories. It also acts as an agonist of beta-3 adrenergic receptors, which leads to increased fat breakdown in the body. Studies have shown that Synephrine Hcl can also improve physical performance, which allows for more intense training and faster weight loss. Additionally, synephrine may reduce the feeling of hunger, which makes it easier to control caloric intake.

ProGBB – 30 mg – is an innovative ingredient that is gaining popularity among slimming supplements. ProGBB acts as a precursor of L-carnitine, which means that it supports its synthesis in the body. L-carnitine is a key compound in the process of transporting fatty acids to the mitochondria, where they are converted into energy. Thanks to this, ProGBB increases the efficiency of fat burning, which leads to the reduction of fat tissue.

Cardarine-501516 – 5 mg – is a revolutionary ingredient that is used in dietary supplements supporting weight loss and improving physical performance. Cardarine acts as an agonist of PPARδ receptors, which leads to increased fatty acid oxidation in muscles and improved muscle strength. Studies have shown that Cardarine can increase fat and glucose metabolism, which promotes the reduction of body fat and improvement of the lipid profile. In addition, Cardarine may support improved physical performance, which allows for more intense and longer training, contributing to more effective weight loss.

Yohimbine hcl – 5 mg – is a strong alkaloid obtained from the bark of the yohimbe tree, which is a popular ingredient of slimming dietary supplements. Yohimbine acts as an antagonist of alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, which leads to increased release of noradrenaline and intensification of the lipolysis process – fat breakdown. Thanks to this, yohimbine accelerates the burning of fat tissue, especially in areas that are difficult to reduce, such as the belly or thighs.

Smart Brothers Smart Burner 60 caps dosage:

1 serving, 1 capsule in the morning, the second capsule 30 minutes before training.


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Ověřený zákazník, 16.09.2024
Ověřený zákazník, 01.09.2024
  • Na obrázku hezký
  • Barevný obal
  • Obchod nekomunikuje
  • Není skladem
  • Dlouho se na něj čeká
  • Peníze asi fuč

Produkt jsem z obchodu MB neobdržel

Ověřený zákazník, 27.08.2024
Ověřený zákazník, 27.08.2024
  • Velmi levné
  • Akční nástup

Objednávám do baru jako podpultové zboží. Ale zaslouží si místo ve vitríně

Ověřený zákazník, 25.08.2024
  • Dost kapslí za malou cenu
  • Kvalitní
  • Rychlé dodání
  • Nepoškozený balík
  • Nelze nic říct

Skvělý produkt za levno s dlouho dobou expirace a skvělou rychlostí dodání

Ověřený zákazník, 21.08.2024
  • Lepší pumpa
  • Více energie
  • Větší žilnatost
  • Nevím kolik je v 1 kapsli

Nevím kolik je v 1 kapsli , 250mg nebo 500mg Agmatinu. Ale asi 250mg . Dávkuji podle situace. K Americe dávám 1-2 kapsle. K Evropě dávám 3-4 kapsle.

Ověřený zákazník, 21.08.2024
  • Dobře nakopne
  • Turbo na celý trénink
  • Začít s menší dávkou
  • Nevím kolik to má kofeinu
  • Celá odměrka-10g může být pro někoho dost

Já dávám 7g POISONU a 14g Thoru Stim-Free a k tomu ještě 2 cap. Agmatine Sulfate. Mám po tom pumpu jako blázen. Moje váha 102kg. Takže kdo to bude chtít zkusit , tak si upravte dávkování podle své osobní váhy.

Ověřený zákazník, 21.08.2024
  • Dobře nakopne
  • Turbo na celý trénink
  • Začít s menší dávkou
  • Nevím kolik to má kofeinu
  • Celá odměrka-10g může být pro někoho dost

Já dávám 7g POISONU a 14g Thoru Stim-Free a k tomu ještě 2 cap. Agmatine Sulfate. Mám po tom pumpu jako blázen. Moje váha 102kg. Takže kdo to bude chtít zkusit , tak si upravte dávkování podle své osobní váhy.

Ověřený zákazník, 21.08.2024
  • Dobře nakopne
  • Turbo na celý trénink
  • Začít s menší dávkou
  • Nevím kolik to má kofeinu
  • Celá odměrka-10g může být pro někoho dost

Já dávám 7g POISONU a 14g Thoru Stim-Free a k tomu ještě 2 cap. Agmatine Sulfate. Mám po tom pumpu jako blázen. Moje váha 102kg. Takže kdo to bude chtít zkusit , tak si upravte dávkování podle své osobní váhy.

Ověřený zákazník, 18.08.2024
Ověřený zákazník, 18.08.2024
Ověřený zákazník, 02.08.2024
Ověřený zákazník, 01.08.2024
  • Vyseká vás
  • Dá vám tvary
  • Turbo trénink

Vhodné do objemu i do diety. Já beru v dietě. Zabrání zbytečnému pálení svalové hmoty. Při dobrém tréninku a kvalitní stravě, shodíte tuk a svaly vám zůstanou. Doporučuji pro kulturisty kteří už pár let posilují.

Ověřený zákazník, 01.08.2024
  • Funguje
  • Vyseká vás
  • Více energie
  • Někdy mně pálil žaludek

Nedoporučuji lidem mladším 21 let.

Ověřený zákazník, 01.08.2024
  • Vyseká vás
  • Žilnatost
  • Více energie
  • Turbo do cvičení

Beru 1 cap. ráno a 1 cap. večer na lačno . Pořádně zapít vodou. Do diety k tomu doporučuji nějaký spalovač tuku. Doporučuji k tomu zvýšit příjem tekutin.

Ověřený zákazník, 01.08.2024
  • Vytrvalost
  • Více energie
  • Super trénink
Ověřený zákazník, 20.06.2024
  • Neobsahuje DMAA
  • Spíše zaměřeno na euforické stavy a soustředění
  • dlouho trvající účinky více jak 2 h
  • žádný crash
  • blend nevím přesně obsažené hodnoty daných složek v produktu
  • chuť není nějak skvělá

S pruduktem jsem byl spokojen fungoval skvělé a náběh byl postupný bez následného crashe.

Ověřený zákazník, 14.05.2024
Ověřený zákazník, 25.03.2024


Intended for persons over 18 years of age. Not suitable for breastfeeding and nursing women. Consult the use of the supplement with your doctor or nutrition expert if you have the following conditions or difficulties: high or low blood pressure, heart arrhythmia, any heart problems, liver dysfunctions or problems, diabetes, mental disorders, prostate or breathing problems. DO NOT COMBINE WITH ALCOHOL AND DRUGS! Reduce caffeine intake from other sources (e.g. coffee, tea, etc.). Not intended as a substitute for a varied and diverse diet. Store in a dry place and out of reach of small children. Before use, study the instructions for use (label) and follow the recommended dosage.

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