Cartel Labz Laxogenin 90 caps


Discover the bountiful advantages of Cartel Labz Laxogenin, a plant-derived compound heralded as a breakthrough in natural muscle enhancement. Laxogenin, a brassinosteroid, operates as a catalyst for gene and growth optimization, paralleling its effects with famed anabolic agents, yet without the adverse impacts associated with their use. This non-toxic, sapogenin-based product supports your bodily goals, promoting the synthesis of proteins, and thereby fostering the expansion of lean muscle mass. Experience the metamorphosis as you push towards peak physical condition with Laxogenin’s scientifically-backed prowess.

Original price was: 69.90 €.Current price is: 59.90 €.

Unlock Natural Growth with Laxogenin

Discover the bountiful advantages of Cartel Labz Laxogenin, a plant-derived compound heralded as a breakthrough in natural muscle enhancement. Laxogenin, a brassinosteroid, operates as a catalyst for gene and growth optimization, paralleling its effects with famed anabolic agents, yet without the adverse impacts associated with their use. This non-toxic, sapogenin-based product supports your bodily goals, promoting the synthesis of proteins, and thereby fostering the expansion of lean muscle mass. Experience the metamorphosis as you push towards peak physical condition with Laxogenin’s scientifically-backed prowess.

Revitalize Your Performance Naturally

Your pursuit of increased endurance, muscular strength, and overall athletic performance culminates with Cartel Labz Laxogenin. By leveraging the latest in herbal supplementation, Laxogenin paves the way for swift recovery and a significant uptick in physicality. Suitable for both novices and seasoned athletes, this natural alternative to conventional prohormones and steroids is designed to amplify your hard work, crafting a sturdy foundation for enduring vitality. Say goodbye to unwanted side effects and hello to a pristine, plant-powered pathway to your fitness zenith.

  • ✅ Supports growth of robust lean muscle mass
  • ✅ Enables rapid post-workout recovery
  • ✅ Elevates strength, agility and stamina
Ověřený zákazník, 20.06.2024
  • Neobsahuje DMAA
  • Spíše zaměřeno na euforické stavy a soustředění
  • dlouho trvající účinky více jak 2 h
  • žádný crash
  • blend nevím přesně obsažené hodnoty daných složek v produktu
  • chuť není nějak skvělá

S pruduktem jsem byl spokojen fungoval skvělé a náběh byl postupný bez následného crashe.

Ověřený zákazník, 14.05.2024
Ověřený zákazník, 25.03.2024
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