Hammer Labz Lean Mass X3 60 caps

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Tapping into the power of potent prohormones, Hammer Labz Lean Mass X3 is your passport to monumental muscle gains. Each capsule encapsulates the synergy of furazabol, trenavar, and epistane, delivering a formula that champions muscle growth without the drawback of water retention. Expect a transformative surge in muscle definition and superior strength that will smash through your weightlifting plateaus.

Original price was: 109.90 €.Current price is: 89.90 €.

Tapping into the power of potent prohormones, Hammer Labz Lean Mass X3 is your passport to monumental muscle gains. Each capsule encapsulates the synergy of furazabol, trenavar, and epistane, delivering a formula that champions muscle growth without the drawback of water retention. Expect a transformative surge in muscle definition and superior strength that will smash through your weightlifting plateaus.

The definition of excellence, Lean Mass X3 offers a clear path to improved physique quality. By augmenting muscle strength and facilitating swift recovery, it ensures that every session counts towards sculpting a chiseled muscular look. With Lean Mass X3, embrace a streamlined approach to muscle building, where increased load leads to increased gains – all while keeping body fat at bay.

In the quest for peak physical performance, Hammer Labz Lean Mass X3 is the preferred choice for athletes dedicated to crafting an impressive, leaner body. Perfect for those in bulking or cutting phases, this advanced mass stack stands out, whether you’re vying for quality mass or refining your muscle aesthetics. Its meticulously designed composition supports intense training and unlocks new realms of growth potential.

Ověřený zákazník, 20.06.2024
  • Neobsahuje DMAA
  • Spíše zaměřeno na euforické stavy a soustředění
  • dlouho trvající účinky více jak 2 h
  • žádný crash
  • blend nevím přesně obsažené hodnoty daných složek v produktu
  • chuť není nějak skvělá

S pruduktem jsem byl spokojen fungoval skvělé a náběh byl postupný bez následného crashe.

Ověřený zákazník, 14.05.2024
Ověřený zákazník, 25.03.2024
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