Phoenix Labs LX-GH Prime 60 CAPS

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Lx-GH Prime 60 caps is an advanced anabolic stack consisting of the strongest ingredients supporting the building of muscle mass. The product contains SARM, prohromones and a strong aromatase inhibitor, which is responsible for maximizing testosterone in your body. A solution for advanced players who want huge increases in high-quality muscle mass.

Original price was: 99.90 €.Current price is: 82.90 €.

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Lx-GH Prime 60 caps – anabolic booster for muscle mass

Lx-GH Prime 60 caps is an advanced anabolic stack consisting of the strongest ingredients supporting the building of muscle mass. The product contains SARM, prohromones and a strong aromatase inhibitor, which is responsible for maximizing testosterone in your body. A solution for advanced players who want huge increases in high-quality muscle mass.

The advantages of Lx-GH Prime 60 caps are:

  • Testosterone increase
  • Growth hormone booster
  • RAD140, LGD4033, GW501516, MK677
  • DMZ and Epistane
  • High dose Arimistane
  • Increase in pure muscle mass.

What are anabolic boosters used for?

Anabolic boosters are supplements designed to increase muscle growth, strength and overall anabolic activity in the body. They typically work by increasing levels of anabolic hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone. These boosters are especially popular among bodybuilders, athletes and fitness enthusiasts who want to get an edge.

How do SARMs work?

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) are a class of compounds that selectively bind to androgen receptors in the body. Unlike traditional anabolic steroids, SARMs offer a targeted approach, promoting muscle growth and strength with fewer side effects. In Lx-GH Prime, the inclusion of SARMs provides a strong anabolic response, supporting the development of muscle mass and improving physical performance.

Action of prohormones

Prohormones are hormone precursors, which means they turn into active hormones in the body. They are known for their ability to significantly increase anabolic hormone levels, leading to improved muscle growth and recovery. The prohormones in Lx-GH Prime provide an additional layer of anabolic support, ensuring your body has the necessary building blocks to achieve optimal results.

Arimistane – testosterone booster

Testosterone boosters are supplements that aim to increase the body’s natural production of testosterone. Higher testosterone levels are associated with greater muscle mass, strength and overall vitality. Lx-GH Prime contains powerful ingredients such as arimistane, which increase testosterone levels, ensuring the optimization of the hormonal profile to achieve maximum gains in muscle mass.

Growth hormone booster MK677

Growth hormone plays a key role in muscle building, fat metabolism and overall physical performance. By supporting the natural production of growth hormone, Lx-GH Prime helps create an anabolic environment that promotes muscle growth and recovery. This supplement ensures your body has the hormonal support it needs to reach its full potential.

What are the benefits of combining all the ingredients in Lx-GH Prime

  • Increased Muscle Mass: The combination of SARMs, prohormones and testosterone boosters supports significant muscle growth.
  • Increased Strength: Higher levels of anabolic hormones translate into increased strength and power.
  • Improved Recovery: Faster recovery times allow for more frequent and intense training.
  • Optimized Hormone Profile: Supports healthy levels of testosterone and growth hormone for overall vitality.
  • Targeted Anabolic Response: The inclusion of SARMs provides focused and effective anabolic support, which enhances the strength of muscle mass gains.

How to use Lx-GH Prime 60 caps?

A cycle using Lx-GH Prime lasts from week 6 to 8. After completing the cycle, PCT is recommended.

Lx-GH Prime 60 caps active ingredients of the anabolic booster:

1 serving, 1 capsule:

Arimistane – 50 mg – is a unique ingredient that has gained recognition among bodybuilding enthusiasts and athletes seeking to increase muscle mass. It works as an aromatase inhibitor, which means it inhibits the enzymes responsible for converting testosterone into estrogen. As a result, Arimistane helps maintain high testosterone levels, which are crucial for muscle development and regeneration after intense training. Thanks to this ingredient, users can experience improved strength, endurance and faster reduction of body fat.

Epistane – 20 mg – another ingredient that has gained popularity among people seeking to maximize muscle mass. It is a synthetic prohormone that mimics the action of anabolic hormones, which translates into a significant increase in muscle strength and size. Epistane works by binding to androgen receptors, which stimulates protein synthesis and accelerates anabolic processes in the body. This ingredient is particularly appreciated for its anti-estrogenic properties, which allows you to avoid the side effects associated with excess estrogen, such as water retention and gynecomastia.

MK-677 – 12.5 mg – also known as Ibutamoren, is a unique ingredient that revolutionizes the approach to building muscle mass. It is a selective ghrelin receptor agonist, which means it mimics the effects of growth hormone in the body. MK-677 stimulates the secretion of growth hormone and IGF-1, which leads to a significant increase in muscle mass and improved regeneration. Additionally, MK-677 helps increase bone density, which is especially important for athletes subjected to intense training loads. Its effects are not limited only to muscles – it also supports joint health and improves sleep quality, which is crucial for muscle regeneration and growth.

DMZ – 5 mg – or Dimethazine, is a powerful ingredient used by advanced bodybuilders and athletes who want to achieve maximum muscle mass in a short time. It is a strong prohormone that has anabolic effects that significantly exceed many other substances available on the market. DMZ works by increasing protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in muscles, leading to a rapid increase in muscle size and strength. Its effect is particularly visible during mass cycles, where the priority is to maximize muscle mass while minimizing water retention.

RAD-140 – 5 mg – also known as Testolone, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that has gained wide recognition among bodybuilders and athletes seeking to increase muscle mass. Its uniqueness lies in its high selectivity in anabolic action while minimizing androgenic effects. RAD-140 mimics the effects of testosterone, stimulating muscle growth and improving strength and endurance.

LGD-4033 – 5 mg – also known as Ligandrol, is another selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that is very popular among people who want to increase muscle mass and improve their overall physical condition. Ligandrol works by binding to androgen receptors, which leads to increased protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in muscles. The result is a rapid increase in muscle mass and improvement in strength and endurance. LGD-4033 is distinguished by high bioavailability and long half-life, which makes its action lasting and effective.

GW-501516 – 5 mg – also known as Cardarine, is an innovative ingredient that acts as an agonist of PPAR-delta receptors, contributing to the improvement of physical performance and fat burning. Cardarine has gained popularity among athletes and bodybuilders due to its unique properties supporting both endurance and fat reduction. GW-501516 increases fatty acid oxidation and improves the lipid profile, which leads to a reduction in body fat while maintaining muscle mass.

Lx-GH Prime 60 caps mass booster dosage:

1-2 capsules a day depending on the level of advancement.



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